Sorry, I should have clarified. While my LLPA does work at Dr. J's clinic some of the time, the other part of the time she runs her own practice. So, when I was seeing her, I saw her privately. I've never been to Dr. J's clinic, although I'd like to meet him. My LLPA can't say enough good things about
It's been since September 2013, since my most recent health issues started. A little more than a year later, in December 2014, I found the tick buried in my thigh. I sent the tick to LabCorp and it tested positive for Bb. Between what started in late 2013 (likely pneumonia or ?) and the tick bite, I've had five rounds of antibiotics.
September 2013:First Cefdinir then Azithromycin, for the cold/flu/pneumonia/whatever I had for seven weeks. The fatigue and Tinnitus has never left.
End of December 2014 / Start of January 2015:After the tick bite, 10 days of Doxycycline, a two-week break, then 15 more days of Doxycycline.
November 2015:Another 10 days of Doxycycline, due to high Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgM.
So, it's been 28 months, since I've had any antibiotics.
In that time, I went through several months of Dr. Rawls' "Restore Program," seen a host of "regular" Doctors and Specialists (Cardiology, Rheumatologist, Neurologist, etc.), and many Integrative/Functional Medicine folks - including my LLPA.
Despite all that, I've really not done much, except for taking lots of supplements. And, now, I've even cut way back on those. Now, I take just a few.
Of course, I'm not back to "normal" - if I was ever normal to begin with. My sleep really sucks, at the moment. Of course, I quit my job in January and am just coasting on savings. I've declined the pharmaceutical interventions my LLPA has suggested, except for LDN.
Gee, I wonder why I'm not bouncing-back?!?
I've been in touch with the Hansa Center, but I'm still hesitating with that idea, for some reason I can't explain.
On the positive side, I don't really have the muscle and joint aches and pains that migrated around my body and bothered me for a couple of years. Other symptoms have either improved or disappeared. But, I definitely still struggle. Fatigue is usually the worst symptom. Stubbornness is the second.
Anyway, since I don't usually chime-in on my current state, I thought I'd mention it.