Hypatiac said...
Girlie said...
I'm sorry that you're having a rough time with this.
And, yes people do recover from it.
Here's a thread on some forum members who have gotten better:
I also know several people in my general location and their stories aren't in that thread.
Thank you very much Girlie, maybe because I am still in the stage of accepting it, I talked nonsense there and maybe even brought some negativity here. I regret for both writing it and drinking lots of wine meanwhile and breaking my very strict diet... But like you say, there are people out there recovers and none of them is by chance I guess. It requires time and dedication. It is a different kind of challenge for each one of of us. I do hope the best for all of us, even communicating here and exchanging knowledge is awesome. I guess people who had lyme 15 years ago they were not as lucky as we are now. Thanks again for your response, it did help.No worries - this forum is great for support when we’re feeling overwhelmed by this nasty disease.
Just dig in for a fight and don’t give up