1yrinVA said...
Thanks yeah I suppose it could be something like that... I wonder if, assuming I have Bartonella (which seems likely based on current symptoms) that it could be a Bartonella herx - like my body is finally starting to hit Bart now that Lyme was knocked back.
Did anyone else have chest pressure/pain, and would you say it was more Lyme or Bartonella-related?
I think your insticts and what your doctor said are on target. Knotweed is also in Buhner's bartonella protocol and can cause a bartonella herx. Sounds like it's time for you to start targeted treatment for bartonella.
I did have chest symptoms including stiffness in the chest wall, shortness of breath, tightness across the ribs, and more. Bartonella is my biggest problem in my estimation. I associate the vast majority of my symptoms both past and present to old bart.