Denver, could you tell us exactly what product were you on?
When you guys say 'nosodes', it's a bit like saying you were on antibiotics without telling exactly which, in which combinations...
Or a bit like saying 'herbs' without saying which herb... I get a bit lost on how to comment your experiences.
But surely nosodes can cause herxes, because it simply activates your immune system to look after that exact pathogen.
I'm someone that believes homeopathic nosodes work at least 10 times better than any drug I ever took. Better because I can play with dilutions and then treat different phases of infection.
Not like drugs that treat only one phase, then after you feel like there's something missing to complete the cure...
Better because it has no side effects (except for herxes, that is a consequence of killing off, not real side effects).
Punching bag? Yep, I understand what you mean. Sometimes it can be too strong indeed.
Only when you actually have that experience with homeopathy or nosodes that you start 'believing'.
Nothing better than experience to 'explain' what is homeopathy!
Only when all my daughter's lyme symptoms (like a double knee) got smaller and totally painless in 5 days after starting nosodes that I believed, in fact!!
5 days before that, the head medical doctor of the local hospital who wanted to give my daughter IV rocephin told me that if she did not get those iv abx, my daughter could lose her knee forever because her condition was serious.
5 days later, she went back to Kindergarten! Totally pain free.
I mean, I could not deny the efficiency!