1000Daisies said...
I was a little confused on this:
" I can't treat all infections together, and he doesn't want because he says i don't have babesia…"
So, you are right - I don't have the complete backstory. But I'm concerned about the comment about "can't treat all infections together". Many people treat for the 3 Bs together???
Is the doctor reluctant because s/he doesn't believe patient has Babesia? Is that just based on a negative lab test?
It is a bit confusing.
I don't know if she realizes that Rifampin plus mino treats both lyme and bartonella.
If her "LLMD" says she only has lyme, then she is still treating bart.
Babesia is another story...pharmaceutically - it's often treated separately because the two better meds: Mepron and Malarone don't go well with Rifabutin/Rifampin.
So if you're not willing to take the fluoroquinolones for bart (which many of us won't...including me) then you generally do the Rifabutin/Rifampin after (or before ) babesia treatment.
Some abx do have some action against bart i.e. Bactrim - that can be taken with babs meds...but often it isn't enough.