I think we make a mistake when we leave lyme in the background, and we blame bartonella and babesia for many symptoms, when they are probably related to lyme ... of those three infections, which is incurable at this days with what traditional medicine can offer us is lyme.
Dr. Phillips talks about
this ... Bartonella infects endothelial cells, babesia red blood cells, and lyme infects any part of our body ...
Many people blame Babesia when they have heart problems. suzy cohen, says barbarities on his website, for example about
babesia .... the fault of causing neuropathies, arrhythmias etc ... and the truth is that babesia will only affect the heart in extremely serious cases (of course, these cases will have severe hemolysis). I do not mean with this, that babesia can not affect the heart, but not before being reflected in a blood count .... heart failure by babesia is severe and the% mortality exceeds 40% ....
They also blame babesia for causing petechiae ... well, another myth. Petechiae are the result of thrombocyt
openia, so how is it possible that someone has petechiae for babesia without thrombocyt
openia? We are diverting our attention from the great annihilator (lyme) and putting our few forces into infections that are probably not the cause of our problems ...
I would be cured myself, and I would not see myself in a Borrelia tertiarism, if all my charlatans llmd had acted correctly, since September of last year, diverting my attention, not to prescribe correct doses of antibiotic for lyme, and blaming many of my symptoms of bart or babs ...
The difficulty to breathe, for example ... that is not a diagnosis of babesia, lyme and probably with more reason, causes that symptom, for many reasons ... from a severe dysautonomia, or inflammation of the sensitive nerves etc ... and in the hypothetical case that this breathing difficulty was caused by a respiratory distress syndrome (babesia), it would not be an intermittent symptom and you would probably be closer to death than to life ...
And sometimes we say babesia and bart are more difficult to treat than lyme and well..n maybe it's true because we can not treat lyme with malarone or zithromax... we are treating babs symptoms that are in fact lyme symptoms and we belive that we have an incurable babesia but we have an incurable lyme... and thats what happened to me.
Post Edited (OriolCarol) : 6/23/2018 9:34:38 AM (GMT-6)