dbwilco said...
ok, im getting frustrated, so here is the info/rant
have had an all the time dizzy,woozy vertigo brain thing going on for 8 months....tested postive for lyme 3 yrs ago, got better last spring, than re-infected probably last july, at which time i tested positive for babs...i never had this dizzy woozy drugged feeling the first time around...have read that people with this attribute it to babs....i DID have some air hunger in july, but never since....soaking night sweats just in my ankles and chills that have progressively gotten worse
im a patient of SP in ct, who is one of the best llmds going, and he got me well the first time....however he truly thinks that most of the things we think are babs are actually bart....in the videos he has posted online, he has said that babs isnt shown in studies to be as persistent as lyme/bart, that bart causes more neurological symptoms while babs doesnt, and that babs doesnt cause herxes....says that the mepron i have taken that seems to cause more of a brain fog herx is affecting bacteria (lyme/bart)...
its frustrating bc i know Dr J in in Dc and Dr H in Ny talk alot about babs....i am seeing my llmd again this week and will bring it up, but he probably knows as much as anyone with these diseases...
Girlie, if you come in here, i find it amusing from searches that i have had alot of the symptoms you have (tingling going down legs, sweating in ankles), and you chose Dr J while im with SP...you want your dr to focus more on bart now, while im looking for more babs treatment....
Dr J says if you do have Babesia - you need to get rid of it first in order to effectively treat the others,
He palpatates the abdomen feels for a swollen liver and spleen.
At my initial consult (I had previously treated babesia for about
7 months) the NP says I had no swelling (plus my liver enzymes were good) BUT I was out on a babesia protocol anyway - but I think it will be a shorter run...and I am hopeful they will switch me to Bart when I go in August. It will be 5 cycles/months on Babs.
Dr H - I don't think he treats everyone for babesia - but if treatment is stalled out - He will consider an asymptomatic babesia infection. He spoke of one case where he treated a patient in a wheelchair...she wasn't getting better so he out her on Babs treatment and within a few weeks she was out of the wheelchair .
My last phone appt in April, the PA did acknowledge that my symptoms seem to be Bart.
I had the most improvement on Bart treatment with minor gains these past several months on Babs treatment.
I could have treated both together, but I refused the fluoroquinolones that would go with the mepron for Babs.
I sweat when I'm taking mepron...but it is listed as a side effect...so is it really Babs?
I sweat in strange places - seems to be a nerve dysfunction....the backs of my hands, not the palms. Also just below my knees and also my face when it's really bad.
Not convinced it's babesia causing my sweats.