WalkingbyFaith said...
My Igenex was negative - didn't have enough of the right positive bands.
My DNA Connexions was positive for Borrelia burgdorferi F7 and Ehrlichia chafeensis. I'm not positive but I think the F7 indicates flagella, because they also test for some Osp's, which are outer surface proteins. Since I was WB positive for band 41 (flagella), that makes sense. Nothing was found for any other infections tested for. I'm sure I have bartonella, too, based on symptoms.
I was glad I got the DNA Connexions test, but some people still get a negative. I had never been treated before I was tested. I suspect that could make a difference.
DNA Connexions was more expensive, but it also tested for a lot more stuff. Girlie is correct, though. Some LLMD's don't use it. Mine was not familiar with it but didn't dismiss it either.
WBF - did you have any positive lyme specific bands?
LLMD's do look at that if you're an overall negative.
Dr. J treats all three B's. Some think it could be overkill BUT I would have been much better off if I had been treated for all three...as I spent way too much time on lyme and bart only. And now after all this time, I'm doing babesia anyway.
What's worse? just treating babesia in a timely manner...OR prolonging bart and lyme treatment ....plateauing and continuing to treat bart and lyme?
In my case...treating babesia...at least a trial to see if you respond is better...since untreated...it just continues to wreak havoc....