Shelin said...
Hey All,
I finally got my results back from IGENX and did the full test from them... definitely pricy but I wanted some answers! Anyway, everything came back negative except for Borreliosis and only the TBRF Immunoblot IgM. I really have no idea what to make of this and I was hoping that all of you may have some further input. That was literally the only thing that came back positive on the whole test.
Any insight would be really appreciated.
Thanks All!
You're positive for lyme...(and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever).
That is enough to get treated. It backs up a clinical diagnosis. Now you need a LLMD that will look into Bartonella and Babesia as well.
It's not surprising that Bart and Babs came back is often the case..which is why many of us don't bother testing for them.
BUT, I do understand you wanting to test - to try and get more information about
what you're dealing with.
I did lyme through Igenex...and then after a couple of years treatment, I ended up testing for confections at a lab that isn't recognized for tick borne disease testing...and voila! I was positive for bartonella via blood pcr.
So, that was helpful ...knowing I was positive after over a year of treating bart.