astroman said...
Girlie said...
astroman said...
That said I wonder how these Drs arrive with their opinion being someone can have low thyroid despite good test levels. How are they coming to this conclusion/diagnosing it with no proof/data/ accurate test? wierd
perhaps the same way we often do with lyme and coinfections - clinical diagnosis.....and response to treatment.
And within the range of FT3 and FT4 - you may test in lower range but still feel better in upper end of range - you already know this though.Ive seen that before but just stating a neutral zone since taking hormone without proof of lacking can be dangerous. If they really are proving it with measurable means, it would be good to know, im guessing there just guessing.
After 20 years I can guess when low, but still back up with labs since excess t3 gave "muscle heads" heart-attacks in the past. -Where as treating an infection, present of not, will not kill you.
“though blood work seems normal”.
If someone is in the high end of TSH but low end of FT3 and FT4 - That could look fine to a Dr - but the patient could feel lousy with those numbers...
I wonder how they’d respond to a micro dose of thyroxine.