M. Lowe said...
physedgirl09 said...
I think the members could use a little more info....
How long have u sick?
What meds have you been on?
Do you detox? And how?
I've been sick for about
6 years. But I didn't know I had lyme until 2 years back when it all really fell apart. I'm on Rifampin, SMZ/SMT, Doxycycline, nystatin.
No I don't. Not quite aware of what a "detox" really is.When we treat and there is die-off of the bacteria - it creates toxins resulting in inflammation in our brain/body. Regular detoxing can help flush out these toxins that build up in our system.
It's best you do several detox regimens daily.
Start with a couple...and every few days you can add a new one. Some ideas:
- Ensure you're drinking plenty of water every day
- Squeeze some fresh lemon juice into some glasses. (you can drink through a straw so that the acidity of the juice doesn't damage tooth enamel. Then rinse with clear water after)
- Take warm (not hot) epsom salt baths.
- Dry brush your skin prior to bathing or showering
- Take probiotics for good gut health
- Take a liver support supplement eg. Milk Thistle Extract
Here's a website with lots of ideas: