Posted 10/21/2018 6:36 PM (GMT 0)
Hello, I have been dealing with lyme symptoms for two years and recently got diagnosed two months ago with lyme and babesia. I have surprisingly lived as close to normal as possible when I don't go through bouts of flare ups. I was taking mepron and zithromax before my llmd put me on omnicef instead of mepron. I was doing really well these past two months but had a full blown flare up (my llmd said it was a herx) starting monday where all of my symptoms (even the rare ones for me) hit me all at once. It is slowing down now, but for the past month ive had some on and off ear issues that my llmd attributes to seasonal allergies, being ear fullness (popping/clicking at will, and feeling like I am on a plane, but my ears are never relieved of the pressure no matter how much they pop). I initially thought this was an earwax issue and had my ears cleaned a week ago which provided some relief but sunday/monday they got full again (which has me thinking it has something to do with the herx), there is occasionally an ache involved and a raw feeling, as well as minor tinnitus. Has anyone experienced this? I have bad seasonal allergies but usually they are more sinus related and don't affect the ears. This is driving me crazy and nothing seems to provided relief. I would take the burning shoulder pain I get during flare ups over this any day of the week. If it is allergies, what could relieve it? I am taking nasocort as well as alegra decongestant for the past few days but has not helped. If it is lyme/babesia related what could help? This is driving me insane. I am a music producer and my lyme symptoms NEVER stop me from making music (even when I get bad headaches) but this is something else. Thank you, I am a 21 year old college student and this even disrupts me in class.