Aerose91 said...
Im on Dr J's protocol- Malarone, Artimsinin & Enula. Do they add more in later? I don't have my next follow up with them till May as of now.
I wasn't planning on combining the two, i was going to have this visit with Dr M my last one but i wanted to see what he found in the blood smear so, now im not sure what to do. I would run it by Dr J before adding anything else, though. Do they add more anti-parasitics after this first round? I wasn't sure if they go straight to bartonella next
I’m thinking he started you on malarone to “test the waters”
You have some severe symptoms, right?
If you do alright on the malarone - I’m thinking you’ll be on Mepron after
The Persisters/bart protocol is further down the road from what I’ve seen with many others plus my own experience.
I did double dose Mepron protocol for 5 months - then onto Persisters with Alinia in its own for one week.
I never did get ivermectin or Albenzadole