Loutucky said...
saraeli, even my C4a was low and I have neurological lyme. So who knows.
Wow! I’m surprised. Did you have any of the susceptible genes? What was your TGFB-1?
As for alchornia, I normally take 6-8 drops 2x day, but I did take dropperfuls for a limited time when dealing with an acute illness and had no symptom exacerbation from it. Everyone is different, though. Some herbs that hit me hard at a few drops, others could probably take teaspoons of with no effect. I can also take a dropperful of isatis without issue, but I have never been brave enough to do it with houttuynia. Maybe one day when I an feeling pretty good and can afford to be out of commission for a few days, I will try it.
Have you taken cholestyramine ever? You may be feeling no relief due to endless recycling of toxins.