LilyPanda said...
I will ask again about doing rifampin. They seem reluctant to do it without trying other things first.
Lapis_29, thank you for the suggestion about hyaluronic acid. That definitely sounds worth a shot. Can I ask what kind of joint pain you've been dealing with? E.g., large joints (like knees) or small joints (like hands, feet)? This is just for my own curiosity ... I always am interested in whether other people have the same kind of joint pain I have, because rheumatologists always say that pain in multiple small joints isn't typical of Lyme.
Rifampin is not that harsh - not sure why they see it as a last resort
If so - then try the others’ in a timely manner and then move on to the Rifampin/Rifabutin .
Nothing good will result with the docs “dawdling “
My joint pain: fingers, wrists, knees, shoulders, elbows
My fingers were really bad for awhile.
I would wake up in the night with my hands clenched tight and would pry my fingers apart - so stiff and sore.