Thanks so much for the responses. It helps to hear from people who understand and have been there. It makes me feel better that most of you think this is a herx. I get to feeling sometimes like I'm always going to be sick. It's hard to even imagine feeling better sometimes when I'm feeling really bad. I'm sure you can relate.
I forgot to mention that I just had to take some Diflucan for a yeast infection caused by the antibiotics. I never had candida and always tested negative for it until I started antibiotics. I heard candida die-off can cause herx-like symptoms. That could be why I'm feeling extra bad right now, but doesn't account for the several weeks before that.
WalkingbyFaith, I'm glad I could help you.
I've read some of your posts and know how hard you've had it. Wishing you healing.
Girlie, thanks, I'll try to ramp up the detox, though I'm doing a lot already. I take it Bart is a real SOB. I never knew it could be this bad on its own. I thought I had Lyme until all the testing but it's looking like maybe it's just Bart. I'm curious, why do you only take the Rifabutin every other day? Is this what's meant by pulsing? I wish I could cut back on it if it would help me function better. I take 150 mg mornings and evenings. Do you take it once a day?
Quin, I don't notice any odor from Bart herx at all though I've heard this before. I always have stomach pain, herxing or no, so it's hard to tell if mine is a herx symptom. I do have itching just recently, never before, but I thought that might be the candida. My LLMD says this antibiotic combo is what Dr. M (Bart specialist) uses, so I hope it will be effective. If this is a Bart herx, I'd say it's doing something. I'm glad you've had some improvement.
HeartsInPain, thanks for the encouragement! Hope you're feeling better soon.