Posted 11/7/2019 10:25 PM (GMT 0)
Many regular doctors at this point know that what you have been given is insufficient to treat acute Lyme. I'm so sorry the folks you saw were not more responsible. Find an LLMD as soon as you can, as it's still somewhat early for you, meaning antibiotics will be more effective now than if you wait longer.
You also can begin herbal protocols now, while you wait, to keep the Lyme and potential co-infections from proliferating. Look up the Buhner protocol and Cowden protocol - two fairly well-known herbal protocols with good track records.
There are gentler options for anxiety if you are wary of Prozac. (People's lives have been saved by appropriate use of SSRIs, so no shame at all if you decide you need it, but it makes sense to me to opt for other things while your body is already struggling so much.)
- Chamomile or hops extract
- Adaptogens, such as ashwagandha, holy basil, eleuthero, rhodiola, passionflower
- L-theanine
- Full-spectrum light therapy
- Acupuncture, acupressure
- Tapping, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- Essential oils, such as lavender, orange, vanilla, rose, geranium, lemon balm, rosemary
- CBD oil or other products
- Valerian or kava extracts (more heavy-hitting)
Good luck!