physedgirl09 said...
is dsmo safe to put on the head? im willing to try anything at this point!!
so my corticol isn't high... my testosterone and dhea are low... ive been taking dhea for like 3 weeks now.. still no change...
I have to dig up my thyroid results... im so frustrated with this.. im getting balder by the day
Well, some women look good sporting caps like men do, its sporty and can be used temporary in your case.
DMSO is not as bad as it sounds. I googled it, its controversial on mens hair loss forums, the guys there had no scientific evidence or even barely knew what it was ..............but I stumbled accross some lady that sells it mixed with rosemary in a spray bottle for women. Its stated to have a clean head b4 using, no gels, hairspray ect.
goggle: DMSO rosemary women hair growth