Hi Lightlife,
My appointment was a couple days after your post, so I couldn't reply right away
I saw Dr SP's Nurse Practitioner (one, he works with two) her initials are CD. The wait to see him was about
6 months out. The wait to see her was about
7 weeks. I have heard good things about
his practice on this board, yes, that's why I went. I liked her manner, and her listening skills. The proof will be in the pudding.. as they say. She said (correctly) that I haven't tried much antibiotic treatment, mostly natural up to this point, and that it was worth a try to see if it could help me. She thinks I may have Bart so we're testing for that. She said it will take a while to see noticeable results as antibiotic response is a trial and error thing with each patient.
I recommend searching the forum for Dr SP and/or Wilton (his
location) and you'll find more info from other folks. I'm a newbie with him.
Good luck!!