Hey guys, so looking for someone who knows a bit of Biochem.
So here’s the story. I’m double MTHFR 677 and I also have a double COMT mutation. I’ve read a lot about
methylation and I believe it plays a big part in epigenetics, detox, dna regeneration and energy production. I think this could be PART of the reason I’m vulnerable to chronic sickness.
Anyway, the way I understand it, SAMe has two jobs. It hands off a methyl group that eventually turns into homocysteine (which is then used to either create glutathione, or be remethylated by methylfolate into methionine and keep the cycle going), and its second job is to hand off a methyl group to norepinephrine so that it can be discarded.
Since I’m double COMT it makes sense that I’m super anxious and agitated my whole life (low COMT activity = low norepinephrine methylation = epinephrine hangs around a long time = anxiety). It also makes sense that I would need more SAMe so I can methylate more neurotransmitters. Therfore methylfolate should help me.
Since I’m double MTHFR it makes sense that I would need methyfolate.
Here’s the rub. When is started taking methylfolate a few days ago I started to feel worse almost immediately. Joint pain in my knees, hips bicepts and neck. And I didn’t take a lot, just 100 MICRO grams. Some people do up to 10 milligrams. So I stopped, thinking I had some detox issue or a blocked methylation pathway for some other reason. I then took some Liposomal glutathione, and boom the joint pain exploded. I feel like I’m 100 years old.
My question is, biochemically what can cause this? Why would I feel worse? The only think I can think is that the glutathione, and the methylfolate to the extent that it creates glutathione, is causing my body to move metals. That’s the only explanation I can think of. The book says I should feel better, particularly on such low doses. Instead I feel worse. This seems to be a common story in mercury toxic people, they do IV glutathione and permanently damage themselves.
Do people think this confirms a metals issue, or is there something else going on?
I considered the methylfolate creates a sulfite issue through the transulfation pathway, maybe that’s the issue? But when I pee on the sulfite stick it doesn’t show as elevated.
Post Edited (dcd2103) : 2/22/2020 8:34:58 PM (GMT-7)