bluelyme said...
upon my 1 abx many gut flora and fauna poped up as result of clearing the playing field. a bad 1 was h. pylori! i had a hiatal hernia and was not producing stomach acid !
had to supp with hcl and enzymes to digest anything for a while . also some of the bigger helminiths and protozoa left gaping holes in my intestinal lining leaking sugars and protiens on every meal .
so that being said are you on at least 1 billion probiotics a day ? have you seen or tested or treated for parasites ?(some take 18 months to clear ova) have u had a hpylori breath test?
fwiw kombucha and s boulardi with slippery elm and aloe got some gut sealing to happen with much relief . L. planterium and goat yogurt were quik helps too
Bluelyme, was curious if you had been tested for parasites and if any of them were positive? Did you treat? I have had stool tests for parasites that always come out negative, but have worried about
this as i have significiant gut issues. Same for h. pylori, how did you treat? What is the best antiboiotic for h. pylori?
As mentioned in other post, i have been having great results for about
2m with a ketogenic diet. Unfortunately, or fortunately, not sure which, I started Mutaflor probiotic about
8 days ago. It is a strain of E. Coli that is shown to be extremely anti-pathogenic (it was discovered durin WWI as soldiers who didnt contract dysentery had high levels of it), and actually works to starve out bad bacteria. I immediately became very stomach sick to the point where I almost puked several times...gas, bloating, diarrhea. Definitely a herxheimer. It is starting to calm down, but this has flared my neuropathy very badly. I spoke w/ my naturopath who prescribed it, and she has noted that those who have the strongest reactions are those she believes who need it the most, which is in line with my thinking. I just react so poorly to food...inflammation, acidic feeling, tiredness, neuropathy, that there is no doubt in my mind that my gut is colonized by some baddies...really hoping this is one more tool in the toolbox to rid myself of them.
I will update people on how I'm handling this pro-biotic more in a few weeks, but I think its interesting given how strongly I am reacting to it. The stomach seems to be normalizing, just hoping this neuropathy flare calms down soon.
Those on antibiotics please read: Edited (dcd2103) : 11/28/2020 2:07:00 PM (GMT-7)