NicHostetler said...
Yes, I found that paper that you are referring to..
Normal Range: 0-2830 ng/ml
Range Interpretations: >20,000 is severe biotoxin illness and exquisite mVOC sensitivities
6000-8000 can be seen in Lyme, Mold can be 12,000 and above. Acute Lyme=17,000, Chronic Lyme=8872, Acute Mold=16,000, Chronic Mold=12,000, CFS=9000, Re-exposure=19,000 said...
I actually thought about
that as well.. maybe just getting up and exercising right away help clear everything up? Since I was forced to do it, I didn't have time to dwell on how I felt, I just got up and went and felt better..? I'm not sure.. it's so hard to tell..I was way off that chart for a while with C4a at 55,000 (yep!), about
5-6 years ago.
Read after that that those levels reflect a re-exposure to a Zombie bite. First exposure is only around 20,000 to 30,000.
Seriously though, I had bad internal Candida (blood tested pos) at the time. Took Duflican (again) and C4a when to 1,400 in three months. I also went 90% gluten free then (was not yet 100% GF).