trekkar said...
Justinejustine, any improvement since having the Vax?
Did your your pots get worse after the Vax or did just old symptoms come back?
I have similar heart/lung issues and with the delta coming out and school starting thinking I may end up getting the Vax real soon.
Sorry to hear you are having similar issues 😢 Had my 2nd shot a month ago and it hit much harder with fever and malaise for several days. I feel like I'm back to how I was pre-treatment (i.e bad). Not worse though. One thing that I might add here is that during this period I ran out of cefuroxime which is my "main" antibiotic for 2 weeks because of shortage, so that might had a deeper impact on my treatment than I thought.
Now my numbers look like this: resting 72 bpm. sitting upright 85 bpm. standing up 100 bpm, then after a few minutes it lands at 120-130 bpm. Just completely bonkers 😖
Right now trying added salt intake 3-4g/day and compression socks to see if that makes any difference. Would love to swim! Good suggestion! Although I don't really have that option where I live 😟