WalkingbyFaith said...
Yes, there are many mold doctors who understand Candida and yeast can be problematic in mold patients. Toxigenic mold suppresses the immune system severely in some cases, just like Lyme/co. Certain molds/mycotoxins also severely interfere with glutathione production, leaving the body defenseless in that respect. Mold/mycotoxins create a body complex like MSIDS. It’s just a fungus/toxin instead of a bacteria/toxin.
I'm not saying its not possible WBF - just find it curious - if its such a common thing - that we have not seen papers or at least case reports showing it - eg like we do with candida - there is plenty in the scientific literature to show candida can colonise mucous membranes in the body - where the hyphal form becomes invasive - and that can be seen in biopsies under the microscope - as filaments reaching into human tissue.
so if it can be done, and has been done for candida - why not these other molds?
i also think candida can produce toxins - but again - i don't think we have seen anything to support that it produces anything as toxic as the mycotoxins we normally talk about
with CIRS - those are really very potent toxins that have significant impact on some people even when just in the air in part per million concentrations. whereas i think candida is know to make alcohols and maybe acetaldehyde and such like that might be classed as a toxin - but its more of a macro-toxin - and nothing like as toxic as the typical mold toxins we talk about
microbes are odd things though - they have very varied genes from one strain to the next and you can find ones that have picked up the trick of making new toxins - so its possible candida species exist that make some kind of super toxin - but again unless there is any published work on it that I'm not aware of - i think it has to be placed in the category of theoretical ideas or supposition at this stage.
i hope i do not cause any personal offence - i am not questioning you or your beliefs - we are all in the same boat of trying to make sense of this strange world - i just find myself questioning a lot of the received wisdom that exists in this chronic illness sphere.
in this case for instance, an alternative explanation is perhaps that the foot pain, cognitive function, joint pain etc are all classic bart symptoms - and the Zhang studies show anti fungal azoles have pretty good activity against Bart - as good as many "bart drugs" - i think Dr SP uses them also for Bart too. so is it possible that Bart was involved and the Azoles helped address the bart?
i think where there are so many gaps in our knowledge its human nature to put theories in place that seem to fit what little evidence we have - and that often time tells us that these explanations included assumptions that didn't turn out to be the case.