i have made another noticeable step forward in the last few weeks
i had been trying a few new things and cannot be sure which of these is the one that has been helping - or even if its a combination of them - but its a useful bump forward on top of my otherwise v gradual creeping forward
so thought i would list them here in case its of interest or help to anyone.
These are on top of my ongoing Buhner Lyme and co-infections herbs, Methylene Blue, immune modulators, keto diet etc
1, bicarbonate 2g between meals - works by calming the overactive immune system via the vagus nerve mechanism
2, organ meats in diet - have incorporated a little of both liver and thymus in my meals most days for 2-weeks now
3, taurine - 1.5g 2x day - initially interested in it for sleep -which it didn't help-but my workouts got better (more reps)
4, cistus tea - initially 1g brewed 10mins - then same leaves brewed again - initially thought i had a mild herx from this - more fatigue the next day - but have since stepped up the dose to 1.5g and don't seem to suffer any adverse effects
as i say its hard to know which of these if any has been having the positive effect, and its not a huge step, but i am definitely the best i have been since getting ill and as i'm sure you all know - when you have been ill for years and years every little step is worth celebrating - and these improvements are quantifiable rather than wishful thinking
- my walking pace is faster - this week i have done the fastest walks since getting ill
- i am managing to stick to my workout schedule and find myself doing more reps most times - so getting stronger
- my fatigue is noticeably better - in that i am doing on average aroudn30 small tasks a day now - up from around 26-27 - here every little helps
if i get any better idea of what is making the difference i will update here
wishing you all equally good progress with your respective trials and treatments