Thanks for the responses.
I've read several people's stories about
getting bit earlier in life and only developing disease after a period of time. This reminds me of Dr. Rawl's pot boiling over analogy. It seems that a confluence on factors brings this on. I'm suspicious genetic disposition might be an issue. It's interesting that some people that spend a lot of time in the woods, with numerous tick bites, don't get sick. Personally, I got sick right after. In fact, just a few days after my bite I moved in with my then girlfriend now wife. I remember calling her moving day and telling her I wasn't feel great. The first couple months my main symptoms were a mild increase in headaches (nothing that worried me as a fit delusional 28 year old male(, and a stiffness/pain in the bone that sticks out as a lump in the back of the neck (Dowager's lump). Then, in a 24 hr period I had what I would refer to as the "pot boiling over" and ended up in the ER thinking I was having a stroke.
I'm not familiar with the testing scores of ANA. I'm guessing 1:1280 is super high? My LLMD ran a test with a positive/negative value twice. ANA came back positive. Then he runs a panel looking for antibodies associated with common autoimmune illness's and they come back negative. He told me that he sees, how often I don't know, ANA resolve in those who are treated successfully. I like my LLMD. He's a private practice Dr., and I'm not saying he's the best LLMD in the country, but I think he does a pretty good job, doesn't screw over patients financially (relative to some other LLMDS), and I trust his advice. I'm a pretty skeptical person so if my doc is a scam artist he has fooled me. That being said, he does believe there are autoimmune reactions going on in those with chronic Lyme.
Honestly, and I don't mean this in offense to anybody on this board, any doctor, researcher, policy maker, I don't trust anybody that says they have a comprehensive understanding of chronic Lyme, PTLDS, whatever you want to call it. I agree that after being sick for some time that you can't just antibiotic your way out of illness. It'll take a whole health type of approach. Any LLMD worth their salt tries to emphasize this. But I can't ignore that some do get better with longer abx treatments. Disulfiram has worked for some that have been sick for years and years. What's the mechanism behind that? When I first visited my LLMD I was one and half years the tick bite, and the previous year I had been on and off Doxy. I was having increasingly severe symptoms. The first 9 months or so of rotating treatment of Lyme, Babesia, and Bart resolved some of the more worrying symptoms, but it wasn't enough to restore health.
In spring 2019, I got a strong positive T-cell response from ArminLabs in response to two different types of Borrelia. This is after years of abx. Is this test reliable? Some studies do show persistent infection. In summer 2019, 4 years of illness, I started DSF at 500mg. I herxed badly! It was awful. But after a couple months I was able to get into the gym semi-regularly, use their sauna, and be more social. The results snowballed. Then, the pandemic hit, I stopped going to the gym, came off DSF a few months later, and went downhill again. Why did the initial abx work? Why did DSF significantly help after 4 years of illness? I'm not sure. DSF is shown very effective against Lyme in a test tube, but we all know many substances are.
So what's the issue? I've heard blebbing theroies. Buhner says some people have full blown autoimmune, some have DNA fragments left over in which the immune system reacts, and some have persistent infection. I think I've read where there have been healthy people test positive for borrelia. Perhaps some people can harbor it and remain in homeostasis? Perhaps others can't even harbor low levels without debilitating symptoms? At this point, I kind of fall along Dr. Rawl's thinking. Do something that is low in risk, like herbs, that can suppress microbes, while simultaneously focusing on calming the overactive immune system.
This makes me wonder if the ability to modulate the immune system, provide a systemic powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and possibly have some anti-microbial action is why therapies like BVT and Ozone work for some.
Hypothetically, and perhaps, dogmatically (I'm not sure if there is evidence behind the claims of these therapies, these therapies could be considered "whole".
BVT is more popular than Ozone. My suspicions for the reasons of this is as follows:
1. Ozone is more expensive.
2. Ozone is far less convenient. If you need multiple times weekly then your veins might give out. PICC line? I've never heard about
someone getting a PICC for long-term Ozone therapy. Additionally, that would be super duper expensive.
3. From my experience in the FB groups, don't take offense BVT people, the vibe is wayyyyyyy more cultish. I do think BVT works by some mechanism. My LLMD thinks it helps retrain the immune system over time. It has a long history of use in pain and autoimmune conditions.
To sum up, individually, I don't really care why something works. I've been ill for over 6 years. I just want to feel better and enjoy life. Collectively, I want this stuff to be figured out so those yet to be stricken ill don't have to go through what we have.
Sorry for the long post. I've been formulating my thoughts on this topic for a couple days.
dcd: I'm sorry to hear about
your serum sickness. Is that common or were you just unlucky? I'm a bit confused. Was it Bicillin or IVIG that you developed serum sickness from? Did you take IVIG based on anecdotes from others or your doc's advice? How expensive is IVIG? You spent 3 months practicing autonomic retraining? Was that worth it? Within the last year I got into non-dual meditiation, and philosophy. This has helped quite a bit at times. The mind is powerful. I have had some days in the past year when I woke up feeling decent, and performed a 20 minute meditation that would have me feeling good for most the day. However, usually I would relapse at night. Over the last several weeks I added in many Buhner/Rawl's herbs in addition to Hottunyia and this has seemingly caused a major uptick in nervous system overreaction. Is this because the herbs are working or am I hurting myself? Ughhh, it's all a guessing game.
Anywhooo, all the best you. Keep us updated.
Post Edited (Lymie24) : 11/20/2021 11:57:34 AM (GMT-7)