Quin said...
I did also get the thing where old scars become inflamed and red. I'm not sure if this is just due to valproate increasing the skin healing response (a known effect) or if there was some borrelia hiding in there.
Valproate tends to make bartonella flare up, but so far I don't seem to have any bart symptoms so I suspect I have already eliminated the bartonella (or nearly so). I might try taking some minocycline just in case there is any remaining bart.
"Inflammed scars" sound so Bartonella specific. I wonder if Valproate actually kills Bart or just stimulates (in one way or another) immune system to recognise Bartonella infection and start doing something about
@Quin: did you notice any renal issues with Valproate (BUN/GFR)? It seems to cause crystal formation in kidneys, triggering damage and slowly reducing their filtering ability. How long have you been on it and what doses?