I found out I have Lyme late July of this year. My only symptom was a swollen knee (after lots of running that week). My doc, a NP I saw, suspected Lyme right away. She had me tested. Soon after I had skin tingling... I felt like I had too much coffee too even though I did not. I tested positive on the WB through LabCorp. All the IgM's were positive and one IgG was positive. Once I started the drugs (100mg Doxy 2x a day) I was really tired and still feeling tingly. about
7-10 days later I was feeling good. I was having some headaches and neck pain too which went away. I stayed on the Doxy for 28days. My last week on them I was feeling crappy, bad headaches and I was bruising easily. I thought it was the Doxy but I am not sure. I went off and about
a week later I found a tick on me. I went to the doc and she gave me one dose of Doxy (200mg). about
5 days later I was feeling like crap. I was SO tired. I was forgetful and feeling panic and major anxiety. I also had the too much coffee feeling again. I went back to my NP and she gave me 30 days of Doxy. This time 200mg/2x a day. Once again it took about
10 days or so for me to start feeling better again.
Both times I have responded well to the oral antibiotics. Right now I feel great. I am actually going to start exercising tomorrow.
My plan is to continue on the Doxy, see the Infectious Disease doc (just to see what they say) and go from there.
I am handling the ABX fine. Both times when I was sick, I had a racing heart. My pulse was normal but I felt like my heart was just pounding. It went away. Every now and then I feel it and my pulse is higher but I think that is more anxiety. Once I start deep breathing and force myself to relax it goes away.