I have been experiencing a range of symptoms for years now and was directed toward Lyme Disease and this forum very recently. I was told that there were others who could help me look through my list of symptoms and know if it was connected or not. I am 22 years old and I began having knee pains about 8 years ago and was told it was growing pains. The pains continued through high school and during my first year of college, I got really sick with what the doctors thought was mono, but I tested negative for it multiple times. I lost a lot of weight, couldn't eat and ached everywhere. It was after this that I noticed my symptoms worsening. The pains increased in intensity and frequency, shooting from my lower back to my ankles, and radiating in my joints, as well as frequent and severe headaches. I went to various doctors who did tests, none of which came back positive. During this time was I tested for lupus, RA and MS, which didn't come back negative, but doctors continued to speculate on how that might be it. Since I live in the NW, no one suspected Lyme Disease. This summer, the pain and headaches escalated rapidly, so went to a neurologist who ordered an MRI and found a pituitary tumor. After seeing a neurosurgeon, it was concluded that the tumor was the least of my worries and that I had some other sort of autoimmune disease going on. Soon after, I was told about Lyme's and pushed for a Western Blot test to be performed, but it came back negative. So here I sit, in pain, getting worse, disheartened, not sure where to go. I am including a full list of my symptoms to see if anyone else has shared my experiences. I appreciate any advice or help.
- Severe pain (feels as though it is in the center of my legs, nerve or bones) from my lower back to my ankles. Sometimes in my upper body joints, but not nearly as bad.
- Severe headaches in one specific spot in the back of my head, not helped by medication
- Rayneud's Disease (runs in the family, but mine is much much worse than anyone else's, I can't even hold a can of soda without wanting to scream in pain)
- Eye problems (I'm not sure how long I've had this, but it was discovered about two years ago that the reason I'm not comfortable driving is that I can't see depth perception and am required to have prisms in my glasses)
- Dental problems - I've had two root canals, too many cavities to count despite being a very proactive dental patient and a very strange case where the tooth had a bacteria that was killing it from the inside out, with no possible explanation
- Mental problems - I noticed this about a year and a half ago, I felt like my mind just wouldn't compute as quickly, I lose things easily (thoughts and objects), I've noticed that I trip over my words more and more often, and that I write much better than I can speak because it feels as though there is a disconnect between my brain and my mouth, and things are fuzzy. I also have interesting mood swings, moderate depression and anxiety problems, though I am not convinced these are related.
- I get dizzy really easily, have vertigo often, and get strange tingling throughout my body, but most often in my hands and feet.
- Shingles, I seem to have a problem with this virus, I've had it four different times in 8 years, I have no idea if this is in any way connected, but am looking for an answer.
- Food sensativities - over the last six years, I have become sensative to foods that I could eat as a child. They aren't allergies since the reaction is more of a stomach cramping sensation (that lasts hours, sometimes even days) and the reactions have become more intense and with more foods (examples: chicken, turkey, pears, blueberries, peaches, broccoli)
- Pituitary Tumor - small tumor that does not seem to be causing any hormone fluctuations, but needs to be monitored and tested after I get off birth control.
Please help me!