I first tested through LC and it was neg. Then through Igenex. I was only positive on band 34 and IND on 31 and 41 for the IGM and tested pos on the IGG for only two (cant remember which ones)
I am at such a loss as to what is going on. I just think I have some incurable disease that I going to die of in the next yr. I have had so many tests, name it and it has been done and they are all clear. My present fear is ALS. I have gone however from thinking bone cancer, ALS, MS back to ALS, lupus. Its hard not to think these things when you dont have a dx!
I tested for co infections through Igenex and should have the results on Monday, go back to the LLMD on Tuesday and take it from there--she has NOT dx me and I dont know if she will! I just want to try meds to see if I herx, if I do its a good sign that I have it right??? What would 2 wks worth of meds due in terms of damage?!!
Sorry I am just feeling more and more down everyday. So sick of drs saying my extreme joint cracking is "norma" and that I am just anxious or its all in my head.