I'm new to the board and have a question. I was diagnosed w/ stage 2 lyme back in July. I was on amox. for 3 weeks, then doxy for 2. I was still feeling terrible so was put on doxy for another month. Symptoms cleared up except for vibrating sensation in feet/hands. I was then put on iv rochephin and the buzzing had stopped on one side, but then 10 days into treatment I developed a rash. I also started having terrible pains in my feet & legs (like cramping) when I stood up. The dr. stopped treatment, and put me on predisone for allergic reaction. It has been a week and the rash is fadding, but the leg/foot pain is still there. I'm due back to doctor next week. He says if it isn't better I should see neurologist. I'm wondering if this is the lyme or something else is going on? Any thoughts would be appreaciated.