Kandisnky I am so glad to read you are getting better, I greatly appreciate your help in the past, encouraging me to see Dr F, explaining ortostatic hypotension, I was doing great, but in early Sep I had a hyperactive thyroid due to taking to much synthroid, I also had chest pain,shortness of breath, change of rhythm and fluctuating blood pressure and palpatations which was controlled with 2 blood pressure meds I also had knee and middle chest pain,and it may have been pericardiits, it a few months later and I am finally doing much better, I just cut my blood pressure meds in half and my pressure is still 100/60, so I think I am getting better, I still have a bit of chest pain and will see Dr F mid Jan to hear if she thinks its Lyme or other issues, let me know what you think , your input is very valuable to me.
The difference between my symtoms now and 2 years ago was when I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease I had this terrible fatigue that I dont have now and my memory is okay now, 2 years ago it was a nightmare I didnt recognize people, I used to dress my kids and forget to send them out to their bus....