Hi everyone, just wanted to share this with you all
For those of you that don't know, my rheum was treating my lyme on the recommendations of my LLMD in the US (I'm in Canada where there is one LLMD and no dr's believe in lyme up here)
My rheum never really believed in lyme and only believes in my lupus, but went along with my dx from the LLMD and treatment b/c he tried to keep an opened mind. But I was never able to fully convince him I had/have lyme.
He stopped treating me for lyme about a yr ago.
Well last week I went to see him, and the first thing he says was "Jen, I was thinking about you all morning b/c I had a patient come in and she was a mess. Worse than you were when you came to see me. I think, no I believe she has lyme and I need your help"
Well how bout them apples?!
He's going to have his patient contact me and he's going to need my help getting info. He never saved any of the emails I sent him with lyme info and treatment.
Dr's are starting to believe. My dr sees me getting well and is also starting to believe in natural healing.
This is awesome! Keep at them dr's folks