I'm very sorry to hear story. Sadly, it not a unique story. Are you going to see an LLMD?
You need to keep the faith. You will get better. Yes it will take a while and yes it will suck.....but you will be OK!!!
When I hit bottom, I thought I was going to lose everything. I'm a scientists at a medical school and when I got sick I start missing a lot of work. I was very fearful that they would fire me and I would have no source of income/ health insurance. Fortunately, my advisors have been supportive for the most part. But it has hurt my career....very much so. The reduced productivity is a big set back as I will soon be applying for permanent faculty jobs that are highly competitive. At this point I am not really competitive.....
Having Lyme is tough on family and friends. They just don't understand. And when they read about
it online they will get the impression that Lyme is no big deal. You take some antibiotics and get better quickly. Obviously this is not the case. I HIGHLY recommend getting the DVD 'Under your skin'. It is a fantastic movie that may help your loved ones have a better understand of the disease and the struggles you are facing. I also recommend finding a lyme 'friend'. You need to have someone to talk to that understands and knows what you are going through. Trust me, this has helped me tremendously.
When I'm having a negative day.....I have to remind myself that this is par for the course. It will take some time but one day i will get back my life. And I won't take it for granted.
Good luck. Keep us updated on your progress.
You can email me directly at
[email protected] if you wish. Hope you start feeling better soon.