I tested negative for co's at Igenex over a year ago. Also I was on abx. at the time. I was thinking of having more tests done at this point because i'm not getting very far with treatment. I've been off all meds. for 9 days now. I thought it would be a good time if I was going to do more testing. What do you think? Where is the best place for testing co-infections?
What do most LLMD's recomend? Do they treat everything just in case even with a negative?
My ID doctor is not an expert on co's and he does not really talk about them. He did let me try rifampin for 5 mos. It seemed to help but I stopped due to stomach pain. It just seems that i'm not making much progress anymore and am getting worse again. This is so frustrating. I just had my picc line pulled because of arm pain after 6 mos. also. He has called me in bicillin shots (one a week) i'm not sure if I should start them though. I have herd that 1 a week is not enough.
I'm just not sure where to go from here. Any ideas? Thanks