Posted 3/31/2009 11:15 PM (GMT 0)
It turned out that mine was from bartonella. It was one of the symptoms that never went away unlike my lyme symptoms that would wax and wane. I felt disconnected and apathetic. The LLMD said many people describe it as an out of body feeling. You might want to check the symptoms of bartonella. The labs only check for 3 strains and there are 30 so you can't rely on tests. I did not think I had typical symptoms like sore feet and scratch like rash, but I found out I do have bartonella papules which look like tiny blood blisters. When I started treatment I was an emotional wreck. I had not cried over much of anything for years and within hours after my first dose of abx I was hysterical over the news. I also had no motivation to do anything because I just didn't care. Now I am doing more as I begin to reconnect to life.