I finished a 2 month treatment of Cipro for Lyme Disease back in February. Up until recently I have felt a lot better. The majority of lyme symptoms are gone and the others I hoped would get better with time. Lately I have these burning sensations on my arms and legs especially when I lay down at night. I also have had days when I wake up it would feel like my sugar was low and I would feel like crap until I ate something. My docs ran some blood tests and my vitamin b12 levels is low and my thyroid T4 level is low. I'm guessing this was either caused by the Lyme or the 2 month antibiotic treatment.
I also had low vitamin D levels and if I stop taking them daily my levels drop again. For some reason my body is telling me the Lyme is gone. I don't know what to do about the low vitamins and thyroid which has me worried. Anyone else have these issues? What should I do to correct my levels or will I ever be back to normal again?