Hi Everyone. I'm brand new on the board and I was hoping I can get some input from some of you who may have experienced the same symptoms that I have. I have been suffering from pain in my joints and muscles for several years now (about
10 years). I am 23 years old now. I have had the lyme tests done through igenex. I don't have the details of the test in front of me right now, but they basically came back undetermined. You probably know the details better than I do but the way i remember it being explained is that there are 3 main #'s (protiens?) that can indicate lyme disease, but there are at least 2 others that could also indicate lyme they're just not "official". It sounds like i had maybe one of the main 3 #'s and and one or more of the "possibly" indicators. Again, i don't have the details in front of me and it's probably been almost a year since that test. They put me on large doses of antibiotics (including doxy and some other one)... i think it was about
3 months but i couldn't really determine myself if i got worse or better. it's hard for me to tell since i don't remember what "normal" or "better" feels like. I just know that i got stomach aches and a few yeast infections (ick!) and i swear my digestive system hasn't been the same since.
Anyway, My main question is about the bullseye rash. I remember getting bit when I was a kid by what i thought was a spider. I never saw whatever bit me... i assumed the bite on my leg was a spider bite since i had no other personal bug bite references (besides mosquito bites, of course). In hindsight, i believe it could have been a bullseye rash caused by a tick bite. I live in california and we used to ALWAYS go camping with my dad as kids. Anyway, I want to know more details about the bite besides just what it looks like. I've heard that the bite is not usually painful or itchy, but i honestly can't remember if it was itchy/painful or not. What i do remember is that it was pretty big and it was warm to the touch. My mom was concerned (but also thought it was probably a bad spider bite) and we tried to make sure we tried to drain any fluid that was in there. It was raised and warm to the touch, and definitely had fluid/pus inside. I think it may have been watery at first, but i remember after some time went by the pus that was coming out was thick and more like a paste, sort of. Sorry to be so graphic. I'm grossing out just thinking about it. I just wanted to know if any of you guys had symptoms similar to that with your bullseye rashes...? I'm regretting not having pictures or even knowing exactly when i got the bite. If i knew right when it was and right when i started to notice symptoms, i might have more answers! but i can't remember either at all. I just know i was in about 7th or 8th grade when my symptoms started (i think...?) and my bite was possibly somewhere around there... i just know i was a kid and it's hard to think back that far!
Since I haven't had a positive lyme test and they've ruled out a lot of other things (like lupus, arthritis, blah blah blah) I've been convinced i have fibromyalgia or something like that, but of course there are no definite tests for that. Lately i've been questioning whether it could be lyme again, and i was thinking really hard about that possible bullseye rash that I had. Let me know what you guys think!!!