While I was at Enivta they sold these patches that ward off bugs and ticks and the rest if you are camping...to keep ticks off of you.
Well the main thing in the patch was B-1.
I of course was living in a patch. Because I am the only person who was getting attacked by mosquitos in Arizona....they followed me from florida.
But when I got home..and my skin getting very irrated from this patches...lol
I bought B-1 capsules and just started taking them...two at night. Because I am getting bitten every darn day.
Well.....yesterday after it poured rain..I took my daughter to Butterfly world.
We went into this one area and the mosqitoes were awful. But it was odd....I was in a strapless dress and they were swarming me....but not bitting me.
The other people in the room...had them all over their body....freaky.
They were covering one guys shirt......
I only got bitten once....
They did not find me diserable as usaul.
Very odd......but...hey....it is not toxic like deet...and much easier to do.....
My B-1 has 395 mg.
I don't know if taking two of these a day is best or not.
I suggest asking your DR. hpow much you can take and be ok.