Hi RottenDog. Is your doctor only going to give you four weeks of IV antibiotics? This typically is not long enough. What meds are you on now and have you been on? Were you tested for the co-infections?
As ktp812 stated, getting a port requires surgery. Getting a PICC line does not. The port is surgically impanted under the skin in the chest area above the heart. It has to be accessed with a needle to do infusions. Even though the skin area can be numbed before the needle is put in, it can still hurt. If someone does infusions five days a week, the needle stays in the port for those five days. It is reinserted each week. Ports are typically used for long-term infusions.
The PICC line can be done in an out-patient facility and typically takes only a few minutes. There is a netting type bandage that will keep it secure on your arm. You do not need to access it with a needle through your skin.
Good luck at your appointment tomorrow.