RottenDog said...
well it didnt go to good for me no matter how i look at it. my test for trigs came back at 415 this time from 356 3 months ago. so back on the meds for that witch caused me extrem body pain.
my hole body felt like 1 huge bruse. this is not good. I did get my celberex back as my liver is working great still, after 1 yr being on it.
he told me point blank he would not talk to me about lyme. he did his job by testing me and sending me to a ID. his job is done now. he was not alouwed the time to talk to me about lyme so he said. i guess he got in trouble of some kind by the others in the office.
I asked if he could send me to someone for allergy testing to see what abx i can take to help in my healing prosses. he said no to me. i am so upset that not 1 flipping Dr. in this part of Texas seems to give a flip. its like i am running into a brick wall no matter were i go and who i see.
only ones whom care are not able to treat me and the ones who can treat dont give a care.
maybe if i was to drink a bottle of bleach then they would take this to heart. i would too if i knew it would kill the lyme and not me j/k folks
he also placed me on a B complex to help with the burning and pain in my hands. it just blows my mind that any Dr. will pass out pills for this and that. knowing you have lyme. but will not give you the right meds to get over lyme. i'm no rocket sci. but i know this cost a lot more money in the long run. for my celbrex alone they have paid out over 1500. in 1 yr and now with the bagapiniton it will be dobble that as they are about the same price for 30 days worth. if i was a ins compy i would want to play what is cheaper not place a 100 band-aids on and wound that needed stiches.
Doctors are so bass-ackwards
Sorry things are not going so well for you. Until you find a LLMD, I would take a good Fish oil (4grams;which helps also w/ joint pain of LD) and COQ10 to help w/ your Triglyceride numbers. I would also start taking Grapefruit seed extact (nature's own abx) w/ a pro-biotic along w/ Milk thistle to help flush the toxins out. I also had crazy trig #'s and high blood pressure (all from LD) which are fine now but, still fighting LD. This is stirctly just a suggestion as I am not a DR. but, I myself would do whatever I could to try to treat LD until I was able to find a Dr. who was knowledgeable and able to treat accordingly. I wish you well in your quest for health and a good doc.