I am SO sorry, Jendays. I have had sleep issues for most of my adult life -- except for some pretty healthy periods when I worked out and walked 3mi/day. But I went thru a phase where I could not sleep for more than 2 hours per nite for over 2 months. It was so very painful, that is why I am so sorry for you. That is the closest to the censored 'S' word I ever was.
Melatonin helped a little, but only when I was healthy. Benedryl when the problem is not severe. Valarian root and some of the others did not help me at all. I feel like the problem goes so much deeper than these can reach. The only thing that gets me to sleep is my antidepressant, amiltriptalyne (sp). I believe (and it is prescribed for) it can also take some of the edge off of some chronic pain.
Still, when insomia gets bad, it is BAD. Last nite w/ 100 mgs amil and 3 1/2 xanax, I woke up every hour on the hour. The good part about these drugs tho, is that at least I can go back to sleep, I just don't get enough. I would love to get off the drugs altogether, and somehow I know that I could get rid of them if I could just stop smoking!
Also, Jendays, I always sleep w/a fan beside the bed. It is perfect for drowning out all the little noises that disturb you when trying to sleep. That is something you should definitely try. Now, I cannot sleep at all w/ too much quiet!
Again, I truly sympathize w/ you, esp since plenty of rest is what you need while you are this ill!