Stutterbug, I truly sympathize w/ you! My esophagus was already shot, before taking Doxy. I've had heartburn down in there for most of my adult life and I am addicted to Rolaids. Could be because I was bit 30 something years ago, who knows.... Now I know my smoking does not help any, but the reason I am responding is because I sympathize w/ how you feel. It is horrible.
Tho it does not happen every time, my first Doxy was followed by esophagus heartburn from he--ll. I have grown to hate these big pills, sitting on the counter in this huge prescription bottle. They look so ominous and threatening and they ARE!
This helps: drink a large glass of water. Then eat 2/3rds or so of something -- something that will stick in you, like a piece of bread, (or a roast beef sandwich!). (crackers are not enough for me) Then take the Doxy WITH more water. Then drink some more water. Then finish the last part of your 'snack'. Then drink some more water.
Doing this helps MOST of the time -- there are some times that there is no stopping the burning and that is when I HATE these pills! Not being able to drink some milk, or eat cheese melted on toast, or eat a Rolaid really hurts! That burn in the esoph is the pits!
My apologies, Stutterbug -- I am a lymebrain. I went back and looked at you post again and you were not complaining about heartburn in your esoph. Still, my suggestions might help. It would probably be a good idea for both of us to be checked out. Me, for some God awful cancer or something, and you, for possible allergy.