Not to kiss you-know-what, but I
really do believe the mods are doing the best they can. I would not want the job
(I have waaay too much brain fog & memory issues!!) of a Mod! And I think the two of you are doing all of us a great service! I do not always agree with what a mod must do from time to
time, but can appreciate the difficult position a mod is in.
HECK!! I've probably come close to really being "chewed out" by any one of the mods over the last whatever amount of time I've been a member here!!
I'm afraid I won't be of much help to you, as it was over 20 yrs ago that I was actually told about
my EBV titers. I think my current gp has tested for this, but never thought to
ask what my titers were lately ('Doh!!). I am having considerable issues with my memory, and brain overload, so it is hard to get into much of anything but the basics w/ my doc.
Also, I don't believe I was tested for any co's, as my LLMD I believe just assumed I had
all co's, based on clinical evidence. It was strange, actually, my visits with my LLMD (I
hope I won't get into any trouble here) - the late Dr. M. - as he dxed me with Masters in order to be able to 'legally' treat me. As I was only able to see him for 1 yr., before the 500
mile trip (it was 1,000 miles round-trip!) became too much for me. And, now, well, now the closest LLMD to me is a 3 day trip for me & I'm no where close to being able to make that kind of a trip!!
Okay!! Now that that's out of the way, CNS is Central Nervous System (at least that's the only def. my brain can come up with!). I believe that all most all of my systems are
compromised with TBI's now. Fortunately not my heart, as far as I know. But it would make sense that my CNS is comprised as an explanation for my passing out from time to time.
As far as which disease was the original disease to comprise our health - it seems like asking whether the chicken or the egg came first for me, anyway. I was infected with either LD,
Masters or RMSF at the tender age of 5 (waaaay back in 1968) - my "other" dxes didn't come until later - maybe because it wasn't until much later that those diseases weren't
'found' by the medical community until then.
You said (I copied & pasted this);
At this point, I do not consider fibromyalgia to be a trash diagnosis or whatever some of you have been calling it. I
believe that it is clear that people are, in fact, suffering from a disease, illness, ailment, whatever, that is defined as fibromyalgia. Same for chronic fatigue and MS. I believe
these can possibly be triggered by many different things, including lyme, a virus, certain stress factors, etc. and not always lyme. There is too much unknown in these diseases!
Because lyme seems to be a culprit in these frequently enough, I believe that those w/ diagnosed lyme tend to want to blame all of these cases on lyme, which would not necessarily be correct.
I actually agree with what you said here, +lyme. Remember - LD is the 'new' great imitator'!! I have been dxed with Fibro -for example - and I have all 18 out of 18 trigger points that I have a big reaction to!!
But as to what causes what - if the immune system is compromised, LD (and many of the others you listed) can & will
take full advantage of this opportunity to spread at will!
IMHO- the only way that LD can be "cured" is to get tx immediately once you have been infected - for many of us that was never an option. If a person was infected just a few
short yrs ago - the medical community at least recognized the tx necessary to erradicate the disease. But for many of us, the exact (& correct) dx wasn't made "in time", as either we never
had the bullseye rash or didn't recognize it (maybe it was in the scalp or you are dark skinned & it looked more like a bruise than anything else) . For those of us that had that
situation to deal with, there was no hope of getting immediate tx. So, we were into the chronic LD before we could get any tx.
*trav** Please remember this is just IMHO!!!**************
Also - I too am sorry for the very long post - I hope everyone can get through it okay!!!
Keep reading on these diseases - that's the only way to figure out what is actually going on with your body ---
---We must
be our own advocates!!!!!!
I hope we all find health & peace within! ~
** WOW!! I just looked at the preview and this post is waaaaay long - so sorry!!!!! ~