I received this email last night & thought that it was too important to not post!~
[email protected]I called the MA governor's office today - they gave me another number to call: 617-725-4005. They're saying it's a pandemic bill in general, not necessarily for the H1N1 flu biz.
The timing of this bill looks awfully suspicious to me, tho. If the bill passes, MA can involuntarily incarcerate any of its citizens. And it forces all healthcare workers to give vaccines or lose their jobs. Etc.
This country was founded on freedom, not fascism. I encourage any of you to read the bill - it's posted on Lymenet in Medical Questions, as MA pandemic bill. Then I invite anyone to call and express your concerns.
Thx - Robin
--- In
[email protected], "sfrobink" <sfrobink@...> wrote:
> I don't think Lyme patients, and most people, will be able to tolerate the upcoming H1N1 flu shot series that the powers that be want the whole world to get.
> I have just learned that Massachusetts has a draconian flu vaccination bill that has already passed the state Senate and is now making its way through the state Assembly.
> Upon declaration by the governor of a pandemic flu emergency, mandatory flu vaccination can occur, with quarantine of those ill, involuntary incarceration of those who refuse to cooperate, loss of medical license for any medical professional who do not comply, etc. And no legal liability for those who are administering any of this program.
> I believe we must speak up against what is happening. Here is the governor's contact info for the Washington DC office:
> ph: 202-624-7713
> fax: 202-624-7714
> Plus there is an email form on the governor's site that can be used for comment.
> And if you are in Massachusetts, then more power to you in getting your state going in protest.
> Additionally, the www.HealthFreedomUSA.org site has a Citizen's Petition to the FDA asking that the vaccines not be used until they have been tested for safety. Individuals and organizations can sign. It's easy to do.
> I believe it's important to be able to present a document that shows that millions of Americans are opposed to mandatory vaccination with terrible civil consequences for noncompliance.