I was thinking about
when I originally got sick and I never believed I was bitten by a tick, and more likely a spider...it occurred in March, in NJ(still kinda cool and while tick activity not impossible, unlikely), and I did not do anything outdoors at the time. So, I want to ask about
spider bite types to see if any match up.
So...my initial symptoms at that specific moment were a kind of nerve pain in my neck, followed a couple of days later by a red rash on my neck(not a bullseye and no discernable bite spot). The gamut of lyme symptoms gradually phased in after that.
Anyway, does anyone know of a spider whose bite would cause symptoms like that? Basically, nerve pain and I could have sworn the muscles/tendons on that side of my neck were atrophied for a few weeks after that but it wasn't visible to other people and didn't result in any serious muscle weakness, I am basing this on tactile probing of the muscles on that side with my fingers.
Probably wouldn't be a black widow since I'm alive, and not a brown recluse since my skin didn't fester up. Anyone know of a spider that can cause low grade symptoms like that with its bite?