I'm a long-time lymie (since 1992) who never had a seriously bad case of lyme--but lately am so discouraged because I'm just tired of being tired and headachy.
My headache is at the base of my skull, not very bad, but with it a sleepy listless feeling and anxiety at the same time. I am sleepy, but can't sleep. (sometimes the headache is bad and nothing relieves it.) I barely have a social life.
I've been treated the whole 9 yards by LLMD and she almost prescribed for babesia even though I don't have classic night sweats and test negative. Then changed her mind. I still wonder if I could have babs. That was a year ago and I don't see her anymore.
I just started testosterone gel (on it 1 week now) because DHEA and Androsterone was really low on a test. Maybe this is the reason for my fatigue.
I know it takes time for the T to work, but shouldn't I be feeling at least the same instead of going downhill?.
I, of all lyme persons, should not complain. Yet, here I sit feeling so sorry for myself!!!