Hi Sojourn!
Welcome, welcome!! I am very sorry to hear that you have reason to be here, but happy that you found us!! I have been on quite a few "Lyme Boards" & have found this one to be the best moderated, with the most caring, understanding, & empathetic people - with a ton of info!!
The 1st thing I would like to say is please remember above all else, Lyme Disease & it's co-infections are as unique as your body is!! Pretty much everyone will take different amounts of different abx, supplements & any other "meds" in order to heal.
Whew!! Now that that's out of the way ~ here is a link to some good phots of the LD rash (hoping the link will work!);
www.lymediseaseassociation.org/PhotoAlbum_Rash.htmlThis and other photos of other rashes can be found under the thread "Newbies-Check this out" at the top of the forum home page. Yo should go through this post asap as it has a lot of general info that most 'newbies' need.
I am one of many that never had the Lyme Bulls eye rash (Only about
40% of those dxed w/ LD have this), so I can't tell you anything about
it. LD also can 'create' many different rashes besides the bull's eye rash.
Putting off tx (treatment) gives LD (a VERY aggressive infection) a chance to go into chronic (where the infection is no longer in the bloodstream, but dissemenated through out the body). This can occur as early as 2 weeks after the bite.
My opinion??? RUN, run like the wind to your doc!!! (tee hee!) Start tx immediately!!! The longer you are infected, the longer it takes to heal & some here have been in tx for YEARS.
Lyme Disease & other tick borne disease are VERY complex by nature. It can infect EVERY bodily system, and organ.
Because of this, it's incredibly important to see a very knowledgable (sp?) doc. Lyme Specialists are known as Lyme Literate Medical Doctors or LLMD's. There are very few of them in this country, although they are the only ones
who understand the potential damage to a persons body, as well as their mental functions & well being. Sadly, there are those who have to just muddle through it all with a doc nearby that isn't educated very well about
LD co's.
You also must be your own advocate. Learn & read all that you can about
all TBI's (tick borne infections). And ask questions!! of your doc, of us, and any one else who really understands what the heck they are talking about
I wish for you a quick return to health!!and may you find peace along the way.