Ps thank you traveler and lovelabs for answering me, I am just the new kid on the block. I have been suffering for nineteen months. I had to leave my job as Post Master of 28 yrs. cause I had terrible vertigo, and it just went on from there. I still don't have balance and walk with a walker or I look like a drunk
, and I don't even drink. I can't even imagine drinking. I have joint pain etc, face pain, it just travels around. One thing that I found hard to take was this electrical zing in my head every time I even turned my eyes slightly, has anyone experienced this. I also get this stabbing pain on the top right side of my head. What a pain
! For a long time the doctors thought I just needed a pyschiatrist, which is fine with me, cause they couldn't find something concrete. I'm waiting to get tests done from Igenex. My symptoms all mimic MS but.....thankyou for listening.