Hi Cajungirl, you are being a life saver to me today. I am on Doxy and in my 7th week. But i've experienced this before abx. Let me share a little with you. I don't yet have a diagnosis but am going to do blood tests through
Igenex.Live in Canada and have only had the Elisa test, both times negative, a year after my rash appeared. I don`t know what pertains or not but I want to share this with you and others, I`m a newbie ! Two years ago a little puppies sharp tooth slit the inside of my nose. I did nothing for 3 weeks and then I was very sick, my nose swole huge and I saw my doctor who was very upset, sent me for tetnus shot and put me on some heavy anibiotics. Then the puppy got sick, almost died and they put him on abx. I know nothing more about that puppy, only that he survived. Months later I was hopitalized with severe virtigo and puss that showed up in my brain area on a ct scan. They kept me in on iv abx and other meds for 8 days then I asked to be released against their advice, but they told me nothing. They sent me home with no knowledge and more abx for two weeks. Then I had Serc for vertigo so it helped. During that time, after caring for my Mom for eight years, she began to die and I did palliative care for her and she died July 27th 2008. Within a couple of weeks I started to stumble to the right which got worse. Then I broke out in this rash that was horribly itchy and burning. Basically
my doctor didnt know what it was and it lasted approx. 6 weeks, then I broke out in hives. Next I had a week of these electrical zings through my head. I was sooo relieved when these stopped! By then I was walking with a walker, I walked like a drunk, I saw an Ent specialist, and neurologist and had MRIs everything normal. So they felt it was all in my head. I know this is long but I feel I need to share. For three weeks I had the electrical current thing again and after this bout I started a low dose of Effexor. All I know is I felt better when the current ended. My GP now is on my side and knows I am sick, before he just passed it off as stress. I saw a musculoskeletal doctor who has colleagues who know about lyme and he felt I may have Lyme disease. He said to me that whatever I had was progressing very quickly. My words are bad at times. My Gp knows nothing about Lyme and there are no LLMDès any where near. At my request he has me on Doxy for nine weeks and yes there have been some pretty bad Herxs, at least thats what I think they are. Ive started with a lot of night spasmodic jerking, tremors in my hands and legs and now today I shared with you that it has been horrible. Thankyou for listening and I just would like your and other opinions, does this sound like Lyme. My life as I have known it is not the same. Thankyou so much for caring.
Sunshine is a little cloudy today